Surveillsnce - Passing the benefit of our experience on to our customers



Passing the benefit of our experience on to our customers

When it comes to designing the Perfect Security Solution, our design engineers, at Global e-Solutions  share a common quest, the search for the surprising innovation, the path breaking step forward, the out of box answer, that is the Perfect Security Solution.

We provide state-of-the-art security solutions to various industry verticals. Our Customers have the freedom to pick and choose combination of products and technologies, customized to their particular needs and of course this is all backed by our video surveillance specialists, who are ever willing to lend their domain knowledge to them.

We Design Security Solutions for Various Industry.

Airport Security Solutions


Every day large number of people and goods pass through an airport. Therefore securing an airport raises some unique challenges. From identifying threats to the airport itself, to keeping a record of the people who pass through it, surveillance technology plays a crucial role. Global e-Solutions offers a range of solutions and tools specially designed to meet the requirements of airports and other public transport junctions.


Shopping Malls and Public Solutions

While maintaining security in retail establishments one needs to ensure that the customers and shoppers don't feel that their privacy is being intruded upon. However shoplifters and other security threats need to be clearly told that the area is under surveillance and no liberties against it will be allowed. We at Global e-Solutions  offer a range of surveillance solutions which provide our customers a judicious mix of discretion and security specially designed for the retail industry.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       Office Security Solutions



From corporate espionage to sabotage, from destruction of property to keeping a check on productivity – most workplaces today need a range of electronic security solutions. Keeping this in mind, Global e-Solutions  have designed corporations surveillance solutions specially designed for the office space.






BanksHigh End Security for Banks/Finance House

Banks are usually a symbol of security and assurance for everyone. They can therefore make no compromise in securing themselves. In the recent years banks have needed to resort to more and more high end and fail-safe security measures, especially in the area of electronic surveillance. To help keep banks and other such financial institutions secure Global e-Solutions  have developed special tools and technologies which help them ensure complete safety and security within their premises.









Popoulated Area Security Solutions


Places where a large number of people converge are always security flashpoints. Especially with the rising threat of terrorism. Global e-Solutions  have developed surveillance technology that not only help security professionals handle the huge volume of people but also identify individual faces among them. 

Transport City

        City Surveillance

The urban landscape is rife with security threats. And every city has its vulnerable groups. It becomes the responsibility of every urban planner to also plan for the security of the city. Ensuring an environment where everyone can live together in peace. The Global e-Solutions  partners city planners and authorities from across  to help ensure a safe and secure space for work, recreation and life.


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