
Help deliver peace of mind to students, parents and faculty by meeting the modern demands of school safety with Global e Solutions surveillance solutions for schools and campuses.
School or College and campus safety has changed drastically in the past few years. In the past, security measures would often consist of an attendance call and little else. But the modern demands for school safety are calling for advanced security solutions to provide peace of mind to parents and management to help protect students and faculty. In order to protect your most critical assets, your people, you need a security solution that can keep an eye on who has access to your campus and when. 
  • Safer, Smarter Solutions for Schools and College Campuses
  • Better visitor management to protect students and staff
  • Go beyond a simple attendance call, or sign in ledger and use the latest access control technology to limit who has access to your school or college campus and your students.
  • Monitor your Schools and College campus and who is on it
  • Use CCTV IP based video technology to have visual documentation of who enters and exits your school or college campus.
  • Recognize and react to an emergency situation
  • Video analytics minimize CCTV Camera Use - Monitor and help prevent violent acts with better video surveillance and access control capabilities.
  • Help protect your Schools and College campus, even when no one is on it
  • Help prevent vandalism and monitor your campus 24/7 with industry-leading video surveillance technology with brilliant Infra Read Night vision. Reduce the human errors and reduce cost less Security Staffs.


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