CCTV & Video Surveillance Systems in Kerala

 CCTV & Video Surveillance Systems in Kerala

We really need CCTV Cameras. They are mainly for evidence collection, but are the most feared security device and works as a major deterrent to crime in indoor & outdoor.

Access & Attendance Systems

Managing Access & Attendance was a huge task before coming of these devices. Now we have precise devices working on RFID, PIN, Fingerprint, Vein, Face Detection etc.

Video Door Phones

Know you visitors & communicate with them before opening the door. The video door phones are one of the best security devices a home can have.

Fire & Smoke Alarms

A property having Fire Alarm installed is 82% less likely to get major damage. Let’s plan a Fire Safe house/ Office for you.

Security Alarms

CCTV & Video Surveillance Systems will do its work of evidence collection, but is it not a good idea if we can get alerted and stop the incident to happen itself.


Like everything, our security systems also need maintenance & care to be in fittest condition. We are there for this with our several fixed or customized AMC packages for you.

Contact Us 

Global e-Solutions


Cell: +919048803007, +919846179999, 9961602200


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