Protect your assets with our innovative Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems and sensors, designed to fit a wide variety of retailers’ product assortments, store layouts, environments and business goals.

Protect your assets with our innovative Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems and sensors, designed to fit a wide variety of retailers’ product assortments, store layouts, environments and business goals.
Asset Protection
Our innovative solutions are designed to give retailers of all sizes top-quality protection for their merchandise.
Consultative Loss Prevention Services
Using our deep understanding of loss prevention systems, we combine the right solutions and create a customized approach.
Unmatched Service and Installation
Our EAS portfolio includes a full suite of service and installation tools, including remote monitoring, a centralized service team and mobility tools for the field. 

Global e-Solutions
E-Mail :( Sales & Communications):-
Cell : +919048803007, +919846179999, 9961602200
Skype: globale123
