Why we need to go for CCTV for security system

CCTV, close circuit television, is now the popular choice of the people to monitor and secure their homes and business. It is installed at all places that have the danger of theft or wrong-doing. Be it to prevent theft and robbery at home or business, or to monitor the behaviour of employees and students, CCTV could give a total guarantee for security level. People have absolute faith in CCTV security. CCTV is becoming omnipresent in modern society. A CCTV for security system purposes in your premise has many advantages:

Home security systems these days are becoming increasingly affordable owing to the advancements in camera technology and manufacturing systems. Instead of hiring multiple security guards to monitor various areas of your business or establishment, you can simply hire a few security personnel to monitor the CCTV system that scrutinizes the whole premise. This heavily reduces the cost of manpower. Also, the system just needs a one-time installation cost making your entire security system very cost efficient.

CCTV systems are highly effective, be it in the area of public surveillance or private security. In various cities, CCTV cameras and security systems have helped in reducing the crime rate in the monitored areas. A study commissioned by UK’s Home office revealed that the areas where CCTV security systems are installed, crime rates have come down owing to the surveillance. Burglary in houses with CCTV system is far less than in houses with not. Also, employee cheating in offices and student misbehaviour at schools and colleges has reduced because of the monitoring system. People tend to behave properly when they know they are being monitored. Thus, security systems have proved to be very effective for whatever purposes they are used.


With the advancement in technology, security footage monitored through closed-circuit system can be accessed in many formats. The most basic form is the delivery of footage to a traditional desk with monitors, watched by security personnel. However, that is not the only form; the security system can also be monitored online via internet, allowing the supervisors to monitor their homes and business from anywhere in the world. Also, technology has given rise to the need of mobile supervision, and thus, some CCTV systems can also be monitored via internet on mobile devices. That’s real flexibility!

The security system of CCTV is more secure than any internet-based camera monitoring. True CCTV cameras send output to only a few recording systems and monitors. These thus, cannot be hacked by any hackers. There is no compromise on your privacy as could be a case by breaches in online security. You have complete control over your system and thus you can ensure the safety and security of your family and business.

CCTV security system technology and CCTV equipment can be used in both internal and external environments to watch over and protect people, property, vehicles and valuables. CCTV security system is considered to be the most effective method of reducing crime.CCTV equipment can provide instant alerts when problematic trouble occurs, ensuring that crime against people, theft and vandalism are all substantially reduced and covered. And when crime does occur, CCTV security system incident recording can provide valuable evidence, improving the likelihood of a conviction.

CCTV security systems and CCTV security cameras can be bought in in an endless variety of configurations, sizes, and functions, you can choose your system based on your needs. In addition, as your business grows, it's easy to expand your system for more coverage as you need it. And because this technology is so inexpensive, you can grow your system as you need to, without the worries about expense, flexibility, or storage space traditional systems might give you.

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing such nice information about the need of CCTV Cameras in today's world. Daccess also offers CCTV cameras for domestic and industrial use. With these cameras people can make their areas safe and secure.


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  4. The main purpose of DVR or NVR is to store the camera footage. CCTV cameras can still work independently without DVR or NVR.

    You can connect your camera to your phone, laptop or TV without streaming the live feed. Below are the simple steps how to setup CCTV camera without DVR

    Using P2P technology it is very easy to setup your IPTV cameras

    Download the camera software provided by your seller
    Enter the camera UID and password to add the camera device
    Now open the app to see the live footage
    This type of setup is good for the CCTV cameras for home but incase of business I would suggest you to go for DVR

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

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